Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I am beginning a new chapter in my life. I am turning the page to see blank lines, I am anxious to begin writing down the stories of my life. The end of the last chapter of my life was high school. I am 17 but I will be starting my freshman year of college this fall. I feel as if my life all belongs to the Lord, the almighty one. I believe that whatever the Lord has called me to do I will do. I have felt this way for many years but now came the big decision, am I going to do what the Lord wills for me when it best fits into my schedule or am I willing to take risks and follow wherever He leads, whenever He leads me. So I have decided that I am going to live my life fully for the Lord so whenever He calls, I go. 
To say all of that. I feel like the Lord has a GREAT plan for my life and the now is just the beginning. 
I have decided, with leading of the Holy Spirit, that I will not go to my senior year of high school, I will begin at the junior college in the fall. I believe that there are many reasons for me to have come to this decision. One is so that people can look at me and ask questions like, why are you doing this or are you crazy or what does your family and friends think about what you are doing, and thats when I say, PRAISE GOD. Second thing is that people will say that I am a high school drop out and I am okay with that because that fact is true but what I am really doing is furthering the kingdom by following the will of the Lord. I sent my mom and my grandmother an email telling them my thoughts because I did not know how to tell them about this decision in person. I am going to share with yall what the email said so you can better understand my initial thoughts with that I had when making this decision. 

----I don’t know how to begin to tell you how God has been working in my heart and mind. For as long as I can remember I have wanted to serve the Lord and do whatever He wants me to do with my life. I have accepted the fact that I am not like anybody that I know, and I love that. I have many things in common with tons of people, but my willingness to do the will of the Lord is unlike any of them. I believe that I am ready and prepared to do anything and everything the Lord places in front of me. Even if I look totally insane to the world, it’s what God thinks that really matters.
After that being said, I wanted to tell y’all what I believe the Lord has put on my plate for me to partake of. (I don’t know how to tell you this in person so that’s why I am typing it. I know that y’all might hear what I’m trying to say and think that I am completely insane, but I have prayed and thought about this more than you know.) I know that this past week at Impact has forever changed my life, and I am so ready. Every morning we would have a 20 minute quite time, just me and the Lord, and the first morning, out of complete NOWHERE, the thought of me not completing the rest of my high school career and getting my GED crossed my mind. I had thought about it before but just blew it off because I thought that getting your GED is something that only bad kids get because they are too lazy to finish high school, but this week it has not left my mind. I think about it ALL the time. I know you think I am completely insane, and I understand that. But I have prayed and prayed that if this was something that I should do to make it consistently on my mind and that’s what has happened. I also prayed that if this was something that the devil was trying to get me to do to ruin my awesome life that I would not think about it for the rest of the week, but that did not happen. As you know, school is not a top priority in my life. I believe with all of my heart that I was made to go into all the world sharing the love of the Lord to everyone like it says in Mark 16.
I feel like that if I complete my senior year of high school that I would have wasted a year of serving the Lord, and that terrifies the poop out of me because that means that I would not have had the courage to say anything to anybody about wanting to do this. I believe that I have all the education that I need to share the message of the Lord Jesus Christ. I have more education that most of the rest of the world has right now because I am so privileged that God has placed me in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, and that I am a part of the family that I am a part of. People may look at me and say, “Why is she doing this? She’s insane,” and I will reply, “Praise God,” because I know that what I am doing is part of the amazing plan that God has for me.

I don’t want y’all to read this and call me about it. I want y’all to read this, think about it for a few days, and then we can talk about it. Also, I don’t want y’all to make up your minds about what you have decided until you have prayed and read scripture and are positive about your decision. I will respect whatever you say; but know that I believe with all of my heart that the Lord has a plan for my life that is going to look insane and crazy to world, but to him looks like a life lived fully to bring him glory.

(P.S. I would get my GED and then go to college for at least 2 years. As of right now that is my plan, but I am doing what to Lord says to do. So if that’s what He wants, that’s what I’ll do.)

The daughter of a Heavenly King (: 
After have read and thought and prayed about this decision. My family has been behind cheering me on the whole way (praise God). So...
That should explain just about everything but if you would like to talk to me about anything that is going on in your life or if there is something in your life that you feel like God is leading you do or somewhere to go. you can call me, text me, email me, whatever you would like to do. I would love to talk to you and share things that the Lord is doing among his people. (:

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